Effective, enforceable & just Rule of Law on Earth by and for the all peoples on earth

David G. Newman

Rules of Law on Earth approach combined with NPT disarmament leadership and TPNW prohibition leadership is the catalyst and means:  www.rulesoflawonearth.org 

Organizations like Smartsettle, RI Global Democracy, MBBI, RPFs, Wisocracy, UN Associations, Toastmasters, and nuclear abolition groups are valuable allies that can unite in solidarity to abolish nuclear weapons. Using existing treaties like the NPT and TPNW, this shared goal can serve as a crucial first step toward achieving the Rule of Law on Earth (RoLE), driven by the collective will of people across communities and nations, with support from the Rotary movement. Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self,” along with the 4-Way Test—expanded to include all humans, nature, and future generations—and its commitment to “Positive Peace,” mandates clubs to advance these ideals locally and globally. This provides both the responsibility and the opportunity for Rotarians, IEP, and MBBI to collaborate and take strategic action toward this vision.

The federally incorporated non-profit charitable organization in Canada , Conflict Research Resilience Institute Canada (CRRIC) www.crric.org and RoLE  www.rulesoflawonearth.org offers to be a hub to lead starting with Canada, the inspiration and facilitation of  such a collaboration for the benefit of “ALL”. For what purpose? To relentlessly,  wilfully and as effectively and rapidly as funding and quality and collective will of collaborators permits,   cause the actualization of the outcome needed to save the human race from human caused destruction and provide a global justice and security system to allow the global human family members  to have equal opportunity to flourish. 

This is the remainder of my life’s work and priority as a volunteer. Successorship is now provided by RoLE being embodied in an entity that can exist in perpetuity and grow as needed to accomplish the outcome and sustain it with adequate collaborative enduring allies.

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